, pub-6488725001816463, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Fully time Funded Masters Opportunity available at Laurentian University + Laval University In collaboration with Dr. Luckny Zephyr and Prof. Bernard Lamond, Canada 🇨🇦

Fully time Funded Masters Opportunity available at Laurentian University + Laval University In collaboration with Dr. Luckny Zephyr and Prof. Bernard Lamond, Canada 🇨🇦

Fully time Funded Masters Opportunity available at Laurentian University + Laval University In collaboration with Dr. Luckny Zephyr and Prof. Bernard Lamond, Canada


*Project Title: "Improved midterm Reservoir Management Model Under Renewable Energy Integration (In partnership with an International Metals & mining company) ".

They're looking for a PhD student with background in applied mathematics, engineering, or operations research to tackle a multicomponent hydropower optimization industrial research project.

A brief description of the project and required background are available in the attached announcement.

*E-mail: Email: APPLY NOW:⬇️⬇️ Supervisor website: Laurentian University | Faculty Profiles Google scholar: ‪Luckny Zéphyr‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

ResearchGate: Luckny ZÉPHYR | Professor (Associate) | PhD | Laurentian University, Greater Sudbury | School of Business Administration | Research profile (

Co supervisor Website:

Bernard Lamond | FSA ULaval

Bernard LAMOND | Professor | PhD | Laval University, Québec | ULAVAL | Department of Operations and Decision Systems | Research profile ( ORCID:

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