, pub-6488725001816463, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 To measure the diameter of the given set of pins by using Vernier caliper

To measure the diameter of the given set of pins by using Vernier caliper

Experiment No. 01

To measure the diameter of the given set of pins byusing Vernier caliper.

  i.            Vernier Caliper
ii.            Pins of different diameter

Caliper is a device used to measure the distance between two opposing sides of an object.
Types of Caliper:
Inside Caliper:
Inside caliper are designed to fit into small spaces and then have their legs move apart to measure the diameter of the object.

Outside caliper:
Outside caliper measure the distance of the outside of the object. These calipers have wardly curved jaws which close together leaving a circular space in between the two legs.
Divider Caliper:
A divider caliper, Properly called a compass, used in the process of making out locations. The points are sharpened so that they act as scribers, one leg can then be placed in the dimple created by a center or prick punch and the other leg pivoted so that it scribes a line on the work pieces surface, thus forming an arc or circle.
Vernier Caliper:
The Vernier caliper give a drict reading of the distance measured to high accuracy.
1.      Outside Jaws: Used to measure external diameter or width of an object.
2.      Inside Jaws: Used to measure internal diameter of an object.
3.      Depth Probe: Used to measure depths of an object or a hole.
4.      Main Scale: Marked in mm.
5.      Vernier Scale: Interpolated measurements to 1/20 mm or better.
6.      Retainer: Used to block movable part to allow the easy transferring of a measurement.

  i.            First of all check the zero error of the Vernier caliper.
ii.            If zero error is present it may be negative and positive.
iii.            Multiply the zero error to least count of Vernier caliper and add or subtract it from the reading.
iv.            If zero error is not present then we get the reading without error.
v.            To take the reading open the jaws of Vernier caliper and place the place the pin between the jaws and close them.
vi.            Check the main scale line which is behind the zero of the Vernier scale, this is main scale reading.
vii.            Now check the line of Vernier scale which concides with main scale, this is the Vernier scale reading.
viii.            Multiply Vernier scale reading to the least count and it to the main scale reading.

Observation and Calculation:
Least Count     0.05mm             1/28inch

Total reading =main scale reading + Vernier scale reading×least count)

Outer Dia
Sr. No.
Main scale reading
Vernier scale reading
Total Reading



Inner Dia





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