, pub-6488725001816463, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Applications are now open for the SEEKCommons

Applications are now open for the SEEKCommons


Applications are now open for the SEEKCommons #fellowshipprogram! Application Deadline: 15 October, 2023.

The Socio-Environmental Knowledge Commons (SEEKCommons) project is dedicated to building pathways for horizontal collaborations across Science and Technology Studies (STS),
To encourage engagement with critical and emerging topics in socio-environmental research: One fellowship will be reserved for an indigenous STS fellow working on OS or Socio-Environmental issues; One fellowship will be reserved for a STS fellow working on AI and open To encourage engagement with critical and emerging topics in socio-environmental research: One fellowship will be reserved for an indigenous STS fellow working on OS or Socio-Environmental issues; One fellowship will be reserved for a STS fellow working on AI and open environmental data. Eligibility Requirements In order to be eligible for this fellowship program, you must: Be currently enrolled in a graduate program, or hold a postdoctoral appointment, or be a professional practitioner working in a community-based organization;

Demonstrate clear alignment with the goals and objectives of the SEEKCommons project. This will be assessed via your application materials. APPLY NOW:⬇️⬇️

2024 Fellowship Application ( .

Applications Now Open for the 2024 Fellowship | SEEKCommons

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