Exciting Funded PhD opportunity in Dr. Rose Labbe lab at the Harrow RDC and Dr. Van Laerhoven's at the University Windsor, focusing on beneficial insect breeding.
Still a chance for January start, but Fall 2024 also an option.
Check out the posting and feel free to contact via email if you are interested!
agriculture.canada.ca *Application Deadline: 10 October, 2023. Email: vanlaerh@uwindsor.ca E-mail: roselyne.labbe@agr.gc.ca Starting date: January, 2024.
APPLY NOW: Supervisor website: Lab website: VanLaerhoven Lab (site123.me)
Sherah VanLaerhoven | DailyNews (uwindsor.ca)
Co supervisor website: https://profils-profiles.science.gc.ca/en/profile/dr-roselyne-m-labbe