, pub-6488725001816463, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 PostDoc Fellowship in Medicinal Chemistry (BioCIS, UMR 8076, University Paris Saclay, France 🇫🇷

PostDoc Fellowship in Medicinal Chemistry (BioCIS, UMR 8076, University Paris Saclay, France 🇫🇷


PostDoc Fellowship in Medicinal Chemistry (BioCIS, UMR 8076, University Paris Saclay, France 🇫🇷 Email: APPLY NOW:⤵️⤵️

BioCIS - Biomolécules : Conception, Isolement et Synthèse - HAMZE Abdallah (

Abdallah HAMZE | Professor | PhD, | Université Paris-Saclay, Paris | Chemistry | Research profile (

‪Abdallah Hamze‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

HAMZE Abdallah

Paris-Sud University

Tél : 01 46 83 54 98 Fax : 01 46 83 58 28

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Abdallah Hamze earned his Ph.D. in Organic and Medicinal Chemistry in 2003 from the University of Montpellier-France, under the supervision of Pr. J. Martinez and Dr. J. F. Hernandez. He pursued his Post-doctoral research fellowship from Sanofi in the Pr. H. Vial and Pr M. Calas research group, focusing on synthesizing new antimalarial prodrugs from 2003 to 2004. In 2006, He joined the Department of Medicinal and Organometallic Chemistry at the University of Paris Saclay as an Associate Professor and obtained his Habilitation diploma in 2011. In 2016, he received the National Scientific Qualification as an Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry. Professor Hamze has published more than 110 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented his results at numerous scientific meetings. Since 2017, he has been promoted to the rank of full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Paris Saclay. Professor Hamze’s research program is funded by several granting agencies including the ANR, Ligue contre le Cancer, ARC, and SATT Paris Saclay.

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  • Synthetic methodology, including organometallic chemistry (Pd, Pt, Sn, Si, B)
  • New catalytic reactions for C-C, and C-N bond reactions
  • Medicinal chemistry (cancer, malaria, bioconjugate...)

Active-Learning Exercises in Medicinal Chemistry Course



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