, pub-6488725001816463, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 PhD and Postdoc opportunity in Extreme Weather Predictability at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

PhD and Postdoc opportunity in Extreme Weather Predictability at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

PhD and Postdoc opportunity in Extreme Weather Predictability at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Ph.D. student and Postdoc positions Dynamics and Predictability of Extreme Weather:

Qualifications: B.Sc or M.Sc in Earth Sciences / Physics / Computer Science or other relevant field. Knowledge and experience in processing and analyzing data. Experience in running meteorological models - an advantage. Very good programming skills. Hebrew / English at a very good level. Organizing ability, independence, initiative, good interpersonal skills and ability to work in a team. Send Your CV , grades, and recommendations to:

Dr. Assaf Hochman: The preferred start date is October 2023, with flexibility

Assaf Hochman | Institute of Earth Sciences (

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